It hurts so good! 

After working out three times in the last 24 hours or so… I can barely move and it hurts so much! Even tho, I cannot sit down on the toilet without sounding like someone is murdering me….I can’t help but to be happy! Happy that it hurts.. That means it’s working.. It means I’m making progress! I am still at the point in my journey where I wake up and hate the fact that I have to work out, I dread having to eat healthy foods all day but being able to see and FEEL the progress makes it totally worth it! I have to remember this feeling when I am feeling discouraged and feel like quitting and that moment will come..I will at some point feel like quitting but if this is how I feel now.. I can’t even imagine how I will feel with the end result! I just can’t wait 🙂

Until next time,


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