Week 1 Results

  • So, it has been 1 week since I have started to work out and eat clean again! This time around I have given myself weekly goals to try and meet and I am trying not to focus so much on the long term goal. I know that if I keep moving forward and meeting my weekly goal then I will eventually meet my long term goal 🙂 so, this morning was the first official weekly weigh in and the results are in! I could not be more excited to say that I was 8 pounds down this week.. Making it a total loss of 13 pounds since the beginning of the year! I have a long way to go buy THAT is enough to keep me going! So, what I did last week was I ate clean every day except for Sunday.. I had a little bit of a cheat meal.. I like to call it my “Sweets Sunday”! With my workout, I just walked on the treadmill for 30-45 mins for 3 days, I went to an hour long dance class, and I got on the elliptical a few times! I tried to fit steps in as much as possible (tracked with my Fitbit)! Even when I did the elliptical I didn’t do it for long but it was just enough to get more steps in! My goal was to get as close to 10,000 steps a day!  It seems to be working so I am going to continue on this path until I hit a wall and then I will come up with a new routine and climb over that wall at that time! I am so excited guys! 

Until next time, 


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