Day 1

Alright guys, so I started Whole30 today.. Which for you that don’t know is just a diet program that basically restricts you from eating anything that taste good for 30 days (NO CHEAT DAYS). So I’m basically just eating what my body needs for nutrition.. Which is technically what your supposed to do.. Eat for nutrition and not taste but it’s not fun at all. It wasn’t too awful but I know it is going to be a rough 30 days. I don’t know it’s the food that I hate or all the prep work that has to go into it!  Also, I started with a personal trainer last week. I have used her years ago and she is so good so I know that if I stick to her program… I will make great progress. It’s been such a struggle where I will lose weight and then give up and gain it back.. OVER AND OVER AGAIN! I am really hoping that she can push me past those moments but working out with her is NO JOKE! Today was my 3rd workout with her and I will not lie.. It was the first night I walked away and didn’t cry! As much as it hurts.. I love that because I know she’s going to make me keep going and as long as I keep going.. I’m going to achieve my goals! I am so excited about this! If anyone has any Whole30 recipes.. Hit me up because this is going to be hard on me and I would love easy and good recipes to help! Thanks for checking in guys.. You are my motivation! 

Btw.. This has been my gym for the past week 🙂  


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