Emotional breakdown 

Hey guys, so I’m on day four of the whole30 program and I was warned that I will probably get emotional at some point because I am restraining myself from things that I normally eat and things that I really want. I could have never imagined it would be this bad, I am facing probably the worst emotional breakdown I have had over food. My husbands in probably about 30 minutes laughing at me while I sat in the car crying because all I wanted was a slice of pizza… It’s hard being told you can’t eat your favorite foods! I think that I may possibly be having a rough time because in the past when I did diets I still have like one cheat meal where I can get in my fix of pizza or fried rice… But with this I have 30 Days straight with nothing and so after a day like today where I had a completely horrid day  at work…all I want to do is go home and eat a slice of pizza and watch TV… I have to go home and eat turkey, broccoli, and work out! Now the working out is not the problem and  I havent complained about the food too much.I know I’m only on day four but the thought of going into the weekend where its my fun, safe, and re-warding time…not being able to eat anything different than what I ate all week it’s driving me nuts. And yes I know I have goals and in order to reach those goals I have to get past it but why does it have to be so miserable? This day, this moment, and this feeling is what I need to remember when I hit my goal… that way I never go back to this, to the struggling into the times where I have to completely cut myself off because I have to lose a whole lot of weight, instead of just maintaining. I know it’s going to take time but I’m so ready to just be at the point in my life where all I have to do is maintain that weight. I usually try to be a little bit uplifting and fun in my post but I think it’s important for people to see the struggles as well because I want you to know that you’re not alone I am struggling very hard and I know there’s a lot of people out there that are as well.  Somehow we just have to find a way to remember that in the end … that one time you were deprived pizza was so worth you being where you are at that point when you’ve reached your goals! I haven’t found a way of making that stick in my head yet, I’m working on that but I know that I find a way to make that happen… I will have every tool I need to be successful.so at this point it’s only an emotional struggle as I try to get past this hump of feeling like I’m just always going to be struggling with this. I know tho that I won’t always be stuck in this place, I will get past it and eventually I will be able to eat pizza and not feel guilty about it because I worked my butt off to get there! So that’s enough of my venting for the evening I hope that this helps someone in realizing that they’re not the only one who has these thoughts, the only one who has these struggles because I face them almost on a daily basis and it’s hard…it is so hard but even if you can’t see it now…there is light at the end of the tunnel. I feel if you just keep pushing yourself and just keep ignoring that feeling in the back of your head telling you that you can’t do this (because you can)… You are going to be so proud of yourself… So proud that you may not even want to eat that slice of pizza ever again! I know I’m going to be proud but.. I don’t know about not eating the pizza again haha 🍕

Until next time, 


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