Hard at work.. Day 15 update 

Hey everyone! So sorry it has taken so long to update but I have been so busy with working out 6 days a week and meal prepping. It definitely takes time! So, I wanted to just pop in and give you guys an update on how I’m doing on the Whole30 program! I have 14 days left so I am over the jump and I have to admit.. It does get easier! Yes, I still crave pizza and sweets.. But I know the rewards are greater if I don’t give into those cravings right now! I feel way better, I sleep so well now and all these odd pains I was having have magically disappeared now 🙂 that makes me super happy! I am to the point where I want to continue this past the 30 days. I may take a day off to have some pizza but I will definitely be starting this back up.. It works so well and it really does make me realize what all I used to put into my body. I have found ways to work with the good foods and make things that I enjoy. I am still working on that process but it is getting way better! I haven’t been able to step on the scales so i don’t know how much I have lost.. I’ve gained a lot of muscle too.. But I can see a a good difference which is very encouraging! If anyone has done Whole30 hit me up and let me know how you did or are doing.. If your interested in doing it I would be more than happy to answer any questions! 

Until next time,


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