My new love

  Okay guys… So I just wanted to share with you my absolute new favorite healthy obsession! I have not been a soda drinker of any sorts for around 4 years or so but sometimes I do still crave that amazing carbonation and flavor. I have tried the carbonated waters and seltzers but I just couldn’t find anything that I liked. Well I popped into my local raw juice store the other day to pick up this delicious drink we call a zippy (Apple, lemon and ginger–YUM) and the lovely lady at the counter let me taste their new Kombucha flavored drink! Now i had never heard of Kombucha before that moment and let me tell you.. My life has been changed!

  Kombucha is a fermented black or green tea and they use bacteria or yeast to do so. Now, I read into this and there are several different opionions on this.. some bad and some good! There were reports on wiki saying there had been fatalities with people trying to make it at home.. That’s a little scary but I am going to put my faith into trusting that the person making mine knows what they are doing haha… If not…well I’ll see you on the other side 🙂 haha.  regardless if you want to risk your life with Kombucha or not… If you have a local raw juice bar.. I highly recommend it. I could spend my lifetime salary on all of their drinks and I am not a fruits or veggies person.. But when you can’t have juice or sodas… And are trying to be healthy ITS THE BEST!!!  

Pictures taken from Southern Sqweeze in Chattanooga, TN. 

Let me know if you check it out and until next time, 


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