Food Hiatus

Okay guys, so I’ve been battling with my sinuses this past week so sorry I dropped off the world for a little bit! Either way, I have just received my meal prep list from my trainer and OMG.. Who knew there were so many crazy foods in the world! I am sure there are tons of people in the world that eat some of this stuff on a daily basis but for a girl who eats like a kindergartener… My mind is blown and a little bit disgusted! I am not super crazy adventurous when it comes to food but I am going to try and be open because honestly.. Me being so picky is what has gotten me to the weight I am at! I am super excited about the process tho.. Figuring out what I can handle with foods.. And I want to bring you all along as well! I have been dipping my toe into the periscope world here recently and I am thinking about scoping while cooking these new recipes.. Maybe having a catchy name for the broadcast..what do you guys think? Come up with good and original names for the broadcast… And I would love everyone to join in. I’ll post on here and on Twitter whenever I put up my first cookinexperience on Periscope! 
Twitter name: @blythefab

Post Workout Emotions

 Well guys, tonight Indians class as I felt as if I could not do anything for needing to hurl I realized I have let my fitness or lack of fitness go way further than I thought I had. The whole time I kept debating on leaving because I just couldn’t get through all of the work out without feeling as if I was going to be sick. But, I remembered a post I saw friend put on Facebook this morning actually saying “you getting is acceptable, giving up is not “. So took a small break and then got back at it and I kept doing that until the dance class is over. Ultimately I’m very proud of myself, I didn’t give up, I finish the class however, I came to terms with the fact that I have let myself become so unhealthy that I can’t even work out for an hour without feeling sick. That makes me very sad so tonight I am dealing with the emotions of guilt and disappointment with myself. I can make excuses and I can put the blame on anyone else but it is no one’s fault but mine and now I just have to find out how to reverse all the bad that I’ve done.  I have to make myself realize that I can reverse all the bad that I have done, it is going to be hard and it’s going to be a lot of work but I can do it if I want to do it and I know that I want nothing more! I just think to myself, if I would stop giving up and relapsing to old ways then I could be where I need to be by now! If I never let myself get this way…. I wouldn’t be struggling so much right now! How do I get over this hump?? How do I turn then disappointment into motivation? I’ve been watching biggest loser this season and it has really made me realize that maybe I do need someone there to just brutally kick my butt back into shape.. Make it soo miserable that I never want to be detour from the healthy path! I just need to find it in myself.. To finish this, to be successful, to motivate myself! I want to not only do this for myself but so I can motivate others. I say this and say this but how do I make it happen, how do I not get tired of doing the same thing over and over again in such a slow process! Just thoughts.. Please let me know your thoughts and what keeps you motivated! Oh, also I am starting to periscope every now and then about my weightloss journey! Please feel free to add me and chat, would be an awesome way for us to discuss certain topics! My handle name for periscope is: bridge5188 and also you can follow me on Twitter: @blythefab 
Now that I’m done with my “diary entry” for the night lol… I’m looking forward to hearing from you!

Until next time,


It’s trainer time

So, I have taken the leap! I have decided to get a personal trainer. I will only be using him about 2 times a week for sessions and then I will be logging my workouts and food with him! I am super excited because the last time I had a trainer, it worked out very well. I need someone there to help keep me straight, someone to answer to and someone other than myself that I do no want to let down! I am going to pretend I am on the Biggest Loser  the whole time except for the fact that I told him if he yelled at me like Jillian used to do… I would punch him in the face haha! No, but I am really excited for progress and I can’t wait to share the journey with you guys! Have you guys ever used a trainer? How was the experience? Can’t wait to hear from you guys! 

P.S. Twitter name: @blythefab

Until next time,


Breakfast funk 

In the rush of being late this morning, I ran off to work and forgot my breakfast shake 😭 I had a nutri grain bar with Greek yogurt with me so I had to go with that instead! I have a hard time finding enough healthy recipes to keep me from getting tired of eating the same thing over and over! OATMEAL… Really good for you… I HATE it! I hate that it’s warm and mushy but I am trying to find ways of fitting oatmeal in my diet. If any of you have good oatmeal concoctions PLEASE share! What do you guys do for breakfast??? I mostly do eggs or a shake… But I need some variety! I wanna hear from you guys.. What is your breakfast specialties?  

P.S. You can also find me on Twitter, @blythefab. 

Until next time,


Lost but now am found


First off, I want to apologize for completely falling off the earth! I have no excuse but I will try and make a few! I have had a few vacations, holidays and a spiritual journey that has really taken up a lot of my time lately! With that being said, those things also took me away from my ultimate goal of getting fit!

Ao ive been going back to my dance class each Tuesday, our instructor stopped it for the holidays and this was week 2 back! Let me TELL YOU!!! I thought I was going to DIE… literally! But hey.. I slash feel so proud of myself because I made it through and made progress for the day! That’s the big thing.. Live for the day.. Live day by day with your weight journey. It’s hatd not to focus far into the future and where I want to EVENTUALLY be but I think that is what hurts me so much! I just need to focus on what I’m doing each day and making it work and making this lifestyle a habit! I have missed you guys! Tell me what you’ve been up to… And have you guys made any progress on YOUR journey??? Let me know guys!

Until next time,



  Sometimes you just need to hit the refresh button and that’s okay! Starting this morning out great! I am doing a 10 day cleanse to restart my body and refresh it from all the POISON I have put in it recently! I decided I would keep a food journey this go around because it really seemed to help the last time I kept one! Even if no one else is reading it, I still can visualize all that I’m allowing in my body… Sometimes that’s enough to put things into perspective! Different motivators work for different people. What works for you? 



I don’t know if they sell these everywhere or just in Georgia but let me tell you guys.. these little fruit strips are soooo tastey! My mother didn’t like them but I LOVE them and they are actually quite okay for you! Only 50 calories and is 3/4 serving of fruit Intake! I’m big on checking labels to make sure there isn’t anything added that is harmful and these are clean as a whistle! Check your local grocery.. I found these in the area where granola bars and snack gummies are! Let me know if you like them! 😊😊 

“This is my fight song”…

Woke up this morning singing this morning and I knew this was the moment that this was the moment I’ve been looking for to get myself back in the game! So, I jumped outta bed, put on some workout gear and headed to the gym this morning! While I stand there on the elliptical watching an episode of Gossip Girl, I realized once again.. It’s not so bad! It’s all a mental game and when my mind is telling me I need to just go back to sleep for the next hour.. I need to remind myself that being lazy is the reason I am where I am today! I am excited for my journey to begin again and with 29 days until I take my big trip to NYC for the very FIRST time! I want to go on that trip feeling proud of my accomplishments between now and then! Wish me luck as I do you as well! 

Until next time


Drowning in fat

 I know you guys can tell from the recent hiatus from the blog, I have not been doing well. I have just lost motivation and the drive to do what needs to be done! Every time I think about working out, I talk myself out of it and every time I tell myself to make good choices with food, I just talk myself out of the bad choices! I need motivation and I know you guys can help! I am going to the beach this week and I’m NO WHERE near where I wanted to be OR where I could have been if I would have just kept it up! It’s so discouraging and I just find myself continuously asking myself why it has to be so hard! I am hoping I can talk myself back into the groove of things when I get back from my trip but any words of encrouragement would be greatly appreciated! I know that I can do it, it’s just a matter of letting myself actually do it! At this point m, it is nothing but a mental struggle for me and I know it will pass! I just had to keep reminding myself that I have goals and I KNOW that I can reach them.. I’d i only let myself! 

Stay strong and until the next time….


Deadline is approaching

hey guys, so I have 26 days until I hit the beach and I am not near my goal I wanted to be at! I have little tricks to help me lose weight quickly without destroying my body health wise! Anyone have any types of short cleanses or tricks that they would like to share!? I need motivation and time is going by too quickly!